grace of no age menopause ageing women community sisterhood good diet healthy wellbeing hormones osteoporosis estrogen proaging gracefully

What is a Good Diet During Menopause?

In my last article I spoke about xenoestrogens and how everyday items we use on our body disrupt our hormones in particular, how they can contribute to estrogen dominance in women during menopause. Although it is difficult to remove all the chemicals we use on our body, we can avoid these by being more aware of what we buy, eat and drink to help us maintain healthy wellbeing.

grace of no age menopause ageing women community sisterhood permanence feminine essence thankful experiences gratitude proaging gracefully

The Permanence of the Feminine Essence

Sometimes we have the idea that, as we get older, as we age. But thinking we will lose our feminine essence is a misperception. What really happens is that the years not only add experiences, they also add an aspect that expands towards the depth of being. A force emerges that connects us with the feminine beyond the physical. It connects us with ancestral wisdom, with the wisdom of the earth, of the mothers (even if we are not) and of the women who have woven stories and ose stories have created life.