Damaris Gonzalo
Emotional Alchemist
” What if I tell you that you can like yourself, feel good about yourself and believe in yourself, whatever your age and condition? That you can feel permanently able to live happy, motivated and confident? Sounds good, right? “
Well let me tell you something. You still have time to free yourself from permanent self-sabotage and self-destructive thoughts and behaviors.
You can like yourself, feel good about yourself and believe in yourself. It has nothing to do with your chronological age because positive thinking and belief change are the most important factors in staying happy and, guess what… also staying young!
So let’s begin your first step (and one of the most important ones): Changing your attitude from the inside out.
It’s important for you to know that one of the rules of the mind is that feelings will always overcome logic as they are so much more powerful. That means that we should focus and begin to change our feelings rather than the logic.
But how do we deal with feelings and emotions? The answer might be much simpler than you think: we should listen to them, because they will give us an enormous amount of information about ourselves, about our convictions and belief system.
And how do we get there by just listening to our emotions? Or how can we learn to listen to them? Don´t worry, the only thing you need to do is to ask questions. For example:
- Why am I feeling like this?
- Where does that feeling come from?
- What information is this giving me about my beliefs?
Then write down your answers and look at them carefully. They will surely reveal new information about your own truth, your deepest thoughts, feelings and finally your beliefs.
The simplest way to identify your beliefs, including limiting beliefs is to do an honest assessment of yourself.
- What are the areas of my life that I am too afraid or anxious to take action on?
- What are the areas I need improvement in?
- Where do I want to be in each of those areas of my life?
- What is keeping me from being there?
Questioning your beliefs means you may start to doubt them, so it becomes easier to no longer hold them to be true! And here is when the magic appears.
You realize that you can reprogram your attitude to yourself so that it is the right one for you, not the one you have acquired through your life experiences and role models, but the right one to fulfill your needs.
So, try to question those emotions emerging suddenly from nowhere. They are carrying an important message for you! Try to talk to them, to take care of them, try to literally hug them. Try to listen to your unconscious self-communication and write down the information it gives you.
We cannot always control our fate. But we can control our thoughts and our beliefs. Our beliefs, or limiting beliefs, are one of the biggest mental blocks holding us back. To achieve personal success and happiness, you must first break these beliefs! So, don’t be afraid. Start asking yourself questions, especially if you are going through tough times, because that’s how you’ll open the door to living your life happy, motivated and confident.
Damaris Gonzalo.
Wonderful wisdom in here! Thank you so much. It is very much the goal of meditation – to slow the mind down so that you can really see your thoughts and what is behind them, for it is a thought that creates an emotion that creates and action in alignment with your belief system which creates the thought! And we cycle around again. Taking the time to ‘watch’ our mind and body’s emotional response to it is powerful and begins the process of unravelling tired and untrue patterns we didn’t know we were holding onto. Then you feel freer!