Maya Victoria
Evolutionary Soul Creator – Transformer
“Our whole existence is based on change. In the first instance, we leave our family of light and incarnate in a material body. We leave the womb and are exposed to the physical sensations of the environment. We leave home and immerse ourselves in the world of school, after that, we leave school and get a job … and then we might get together with someone, build a family. I could go on and on naming stages of change and growth …”
The experience of inhabiting a female body leads us to continuous stages of change; many of them without any prior preparation to face them adequately.
We start with our explosive physical and emotional changes in puberty, then those that have children continue with the enormous transformation that it means to host a life in their womb and the initiation process that the experience of childbirth produces. Those women then face motherhood, which we are supposed to assume without difficulty, just because we are women. Then one day, when we have finally gotten used to the frequency of our periods, when we have discovered the emotional and physical changes that it produces in us, suddenly, everything begins to change again, with menopause.
We live life without a manual to guide us, without a clear path, by trial and error, often blaming ourselves for not reaching the level of illusory perfection and maternal instinct that society expects from us. We are embraced by the voice of our heart and the network of women who always, always emerge in some way in those moments in life when we need support, an outstretched hand, a voice that encourages us.
What is paradoxical in the continuity of change is that the society in which we live strives to deny it, hide it, stop it. Change is an experience of transformation, of opening up to the new, however, they teach us to fear it, to perpetuate the known, thus achieving a distance from our primary nature of beings in constant change, in evolution.
Society condemns age, wrinkles, stretch marks, the body out of ideal measurements, changes. Social stigmas lead to shame for one’s own body and the search for an ideal planted by society that is not natural.
The internal feminine nature, of change, of renewal, of nutrition, potential carrier of life, is in this planetary moment in the process of expansion, the social straitjacket that has been imposed for so long on women, can no longer be held. The essence, the inner truth needs to be expressed. It is time to embrace changes as the fruits of a learning process, it is time to embrace and welcome our physical bodies as they are, without judgment, with acceptance of the wonder that living a terrestrial life in a human body represents.
It is time to fill our physical body with our loving presence, to speak to our cells with love. It is also time to let go of everything that the exterior demands of us because it is no longer appropriate to live for anyone else, for any external claim that goes against our divine, loving and life-giving nature. It is time for change, to let go of everything that takes us away from our center and rediscover the power that inhabits us when we are situated in the peace of our heart. It is time to love the continuous change that life represents, without judgment, without barriers. It is time to embrace the perpetual change that dwells in the magical Present time.