Debs McCarthy
Healing Hands and Homeopathy
The Ancients call menopause the ‘Age of the Crone’. At first I was disgruntled and rattled by the invisibility I almost overnight acquired. How, with a slight widening of girth, and blossoming of bosom, with the silvering of my hair, I quite simply became nothing. This soon became endemic in my mind and I felt ‘invisible’ just walking outside anywhere.
Was this it? Suddenly am I useless and past my sell-by-date?
I felt the depth of this descent keenly. This wasn’t and, still isn’t, just skin deep. For many years oestrogen had set the course by which I sailed, along with the Moon and the Sun every month. My inner compass seemed now to be faulty and I was left floating cast aside by those I was no longer attractive to, and forgotten by society.
The beginning of this stage of my life felt like being a leper. It was violent, painful and dreadfully lonely. Travelling deeper through those murky relational and hormonal waters, I decided to surrender myself, to immerse and go with the flow of whatever this tide brought to me. I reminded myself that I was extremely lucky to be at a time in my life where I could watch each day as it emerged upon my personal landscape, knowing that all things have movement when alive and all will change. That better things come along.
I became a witness to myself shedding the old stuff, observing my own Transcendence. And suddenly I got it! It’s all part of the process. Understanding how to surf the wave of menopause is the tricky bit. Menopause is another rhythm within the songline of a woman’s Natural Life. It is empowering.
As a woman, changing into her true Incandescent and Brilliant Being, moving into menopause, into the Age of the Crone would bring a plethora of new understanding, new wisdom, and thankfully, a changed understanding of my reality. Women of a certain age, have a powerful and accumulative wisdom.
Now I am grateful, happy and enlivened to not only be a woman at Menopause but to be in Transformation. The Ancients have granted me Wisdom, Grace, Vitality and Clarity.
It all returns, you will return and you will transform into something that is brilliant, more powerful, enigmatic and most definitely not invisible.
Deborah McCarthy.