grace of no age menopause ageing women community sisterhood overwhelmed pause take break yoga sleeping patterns breath proaging gracefully

Mental Symptoms that Announce Peri-menopause

As I sit to write this piece, that is exactly how I feel right now. My house is upside down. The furniture and closets have been moved to allow for painters working inside the house. The kittens are jumping all over the mess and wanting to go outside. My husband is watching the live streaming of the Virgin Galactic space trip with Richard Branson and trying to share the historical moment with me. Loud noises enter from outside as we keep doors and windows open to dissipate paint smells. And I’m on a deadline to submit a paper.

grace of no age menopause ageing women community sisterhood motherhood perimenopause teenagers emotions honest lifetime moments proaging gracefully

Motherhood and Menopause

Since a very young age, being a mother is something I always hoped for. Twenty years later after having my first of three amazing humans, I can say it is no easy task but one that despite the hardships, very well worth at least it from my perspective. It was idyllic to envision this without experiencing first what it truly means to give birth and raise children.