“Dating” – Improve your Sex Life Series
Peri, menopause, and post-menopause dating is quite challenging. Especially if you read the many negative, ageist articles out there that conclude women who are aging are not desirable.
Peri, menopause, and post-menopause dating is quite challenging. Especially if you read the many negative, ageist articles out there that conclude women who are aging are not desirable.
I have a friend whom I have known longer than any other friend. We met when she was still a virgin. We were attending a posh summer theater camp held at a prestigious university.
What do you see, when you look into the mirror? Has your perception of yourself in the mirror changed over time? Have you ever found yourself beautiful? Do you love yourself no matter what?
Born a control freak
People who have known me all my life will say: “who is she to be talking about this?”.Why now? Because, as women, we are entering and living one of the most crucial stages of change in our life. If we do not learn to let go of control, we will not appreciate this stage.
Too late to start getting strong? Not sure why you would want to?
Building strength is an incredibly important goal to focus on, no matter what your age. And the good news is: it’s never too late.