Lentil Burger Recipe
Let’s prepare a delicious vegan burger!
Let’s prepare a delicious vegan burger!
Uncertainty is what life is made of and what humans want to tame and control. A good part of our lives is dedicated to securing a living, a home, a family life and a trust-worthy companion. Women often assume the role of straightening the curves and levelling the bumps in the road, to smooth and steady daily life.
The simple practice of walking barefoot or laying down in the grass connects you to Mother Earth, our master healer.
Time is a gift. It is the one thing we never really get back. Yet, so often I hear the same complaint from people “I just don’t have the time”. I love to reflect on that single affirmation. Life has taught me a basic principle: We make time for what we really want.
What if I tell you that you can like yourself, feel good about yourself and believe in yourself, whatever your age and condition? That you can feel permanently able to live happy, motivated and confident? Sounds good, right?