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Supreme Tantric Orgasm – Find Pleasure as a woman

A young woman named Kashkai had been wandering near and far in her pursuit to explore the depths of her being. She gained experiences through various sexually liberating meditation programs and communed with many lovers. She realized we are all looking for something beyond the tangible world of sensations, but what is that sublime space, spoken of so eloquently by the Tantra Masters? What is the mysterious space of eternal love and oneness we are all looking for? What is this alluring intangible search?

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The Importance of relationships during Menopause

When we turn 50 or so, it is not uncommon to experience some unexpected thoughts and questions. You might have more concerns about the future and an increased sense of uncertainty about what to expect. Perhaps you feel a sense of nostalgia about your past and what you left behind. While reflecting and re-evaluating, it is important to take a careful look at the path you’ve traveled. If you can, try not to judge, point out, or regret, but simply observe. This is a good time to try to find ourselves and to consider looking at ourselves through our relationships.