Skeletal Love
This past year, in a time span of eight months, my two mother goddesses (mom and stepmom) experienced trauma to their bones from a fall.
This past year, in a time span of eight months, my two mother goddesses (mom and stepmom) experienced trauma to their bones from a fall.
In India the great yoga gurus calculate the age of a person according to his flexibility.”Age is measured by the flexibility of the spine, therefore to stay young, we have to stay flexible” – Yogi Bhajan -.
When we gather information about what menopause is, we usually find a physiological definition. Obviously, this definition conveys a list of symptoms that can occur in the body of a woman who reaches this stage. Typically we find the following definition: menopause is the time when the production of hormones in the woman’s ovaries ceases, and with it, the end of her fertile stage. Our bodies are designed to, one day, end the function by which we can have babies.
Do you often find yourself looking for something and you forgot what it was? Do you wake up with brain fog and mental fatigue? Do you frequently forget what you were going to say or find it difficult to focus on a specific task?
I recently came across a birthday card my sister gave me on my 52nd birthday. It showed a lady in her 50’s, dressed in a nightgown standing in front of a fan blowing air to cool her down. I had to laugh. She gave it to me during the time when I was going through menopause. I am now 58 and am happy to say I’m at the tail end of it. Reflecting, I realised what a difficult time menopause was for me. Anxiety, hot flushes, joint pain and sleepless nights.