The True Connection With Yourself

I think there is no better time in life to make the connection with oneself consciously than menopause. Perhaps because it coincides (nothing is a coincidence!) with the stage in which we care less and less about the outside. The outside that others impose on us, the outside that for years has set the standard for making decisions. The outside that perhaps has clipped our wings or made us change the direction of flight.

Perimenopause Diet

Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause. Think of it as the transition phase when our body starts to have certain symptoms such as irregular periods, joint pain, mood swings, hot flashes and altered sleep patterns, to name a few. It can start around 40 years of age and last anywhere from 5 to 15 years. Dr. Joan Borysenko refers to this phase as the “midlife metamorphosis”, however it is up to us and our choices how well we come out of it.

The Feminine Force: The Alchemical Art Of Releasing And Purifying

When your life passes between flasks, fire, books and plants, alchemy evolves from a vocational passion to become a language to express yourself and understand the world. For a long time the paradigm from which I have observed life has been that of the hermit. As its name suggests,  every time someone asks me what that paradigm is, I answer that it is a form of life learned from observing the Universe and its laws and reproducing them in the earthly world. That is magic, learning, understanding, and reproducing the laws of Nature.

Aromatherapy, More Than Just a Scent

Aromatherapy is a branch of botany that works with the use and application of essential oils and hydrosols. It has been among us for thousands of years, especially in Asian and African cultures, but it is in recent decades that it has spread throughout the world and is becoming popular for daily use and as an alternative therapy to various health conditions.