Celebrate your Menopause!

I still remember the day one of my friends secretly asked me “Hey, do you know about ‘periods’?” I was confused and I answered  “No… what’s that?”  She just smiled at me and tried to explain and all our group of girls gathered to listen to her. Everyone was a bit uncomfortable, but curious, about this menstruation process. A few of them had just entered this beautiful phase of life and a few, like me, were about to begin it. 

Resilience in Times of Uncertainty: How Women Face the Process of Aging

Uncertainty is what life is made of and what humans want to tame and control. A good part of our lives is dedicated to securing a living, a home, a family life and a trust-worthy companion. Women often assume the role of straightening the curves and levelling the bumps in the road, to smooth and  steady daily life.