Celebrate your Menopause!

I still remember the day one of my friends secretly asked me “Hey, do you know about ‘periods’?” I was confused and I answered  “No… what’s that?”  She just smiled at me and tried to explain and all our group of girls gathered to listen to her. Everyone was a bit uncomfortable, but curious, about this menstruation process. A few of them had just entered this beautiful phase of life and a few, like me, were about to begin it. 

Resilience in Times of Uncertainty: How Women Face the Process of Aging

Uncertainty is what life is made of and what humans want to tame and control. A good part of our lives is dedicated to securing a living, a home, a family life and a trust-worthy companion. Women often assume the role of straightening the curves and levelling the bumps in the road, to smooth and  steady daily life.

The only sure thing there is, is change

Our whole existence is based on change. In the first instance, we leave our family of light and incarnate in a material body. We leave the womb and are exposed to the physical sensations of the environment. We leave home and immerse ourselves in the world of school, after that, we leave school and get a job … and then we might get together with someone, build a family. I could go on and on naming stages of change and growth