grace of no age menopause ageing women community sisterhood relationship connections emotions bonds lifestyle proaging gracefully

The Importance of relationships during Menopause

When we turn 50 or so, it is not uncommon to experience some unexpected thoughts and questions. You might have more concerns about the future and an increased sense of uncertainty about what to expect. Perhaps you feel a sense of nostalgia about your past and what you left behind. While reflecting and re-evaluating, it is important to take a careful look at the path you’ve traveled. If you can, try not to judge, point out, or regret, but simply observe. This is a good time to try to find ourselves and to consider looking at ourselves through our relationships.

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Sorority, Accompanying Among Women

Menopause is a changing moment in every woman’s life; however, little has been talked about it until now, and what we generally are told is that it is a parchment of nasty symptoms attacking us relentlessly for a long period of time. Fortunately, more spaces as this one, Grace of No Age, are being opened to give us a clear and real perspective of this transitional stage, from which we can get lots of gifts that will help us to establish ourselves as complete and mature women at peace.

grace of no age menopause ageing women community sisterhood visual health yoga eyes vision symptoms lifestyle proaging gracefully

Menopause and Visual Problems – How Hormones Affect Vision

Can hormones affect our visual health?
We go through many hormonal changes during our lives and with the arrival of menopause our visual health can be affected.
Many of us already know the physical and emotional changes that occur during this significant stage of life and we must know that these changes can also manifest in the eyes.

grace of no age menopause ageing women community sisterhood seed rotation hormones estrogen progesterone lifestyle proaging gracefully

Seed Rotation for Peri-Menopause and Beyond

We often talk about the importance of food to correct hormonal imbalances. The fact is that what we do every day and how we choose to nourish ourselves has an effect on our overall wellbeing. That is specially important during perimenopause and menopause. There is always hormone replacement therapy available however; did you know that innocent little seeds can help us boost our estrogen and progesterone levels?