Building Muscle for Brain Gains
Building muscle greatly assists in building a healthier body. However, strength training isn’t only conducive to the physical aspects of health.
Building muscle greatly assists in building a healthier body. However, strength training isn’t only conducive to the physical aspects of health.
Did you know that in addition to our physical bodies, we have energy entities? Maintaining balance in an energy body is an important factor in emitting positive energy, experiencing a sense of well-being, and being in a good mood.
For several years, rest was not one of my priorities. Beginning perimenopause, when my children were still young, I studied at night. I was pursuing a career that would allow me to work from home. I was sleeping less than 6 hours a day and eventually this had consequences on my health.
When we create a supportive and trusting atmosphere with others, an hour of dance can become a cosmic unfolding. We invite our whole self to be present and relax our desire to control. Sacred and meditative dance can be the most powerful and moving spiritual practice of all, transposing us on all levels as we move our bodies. Here are 9 ways in which I have seen dance change people – and how it will change you:
Nobody likes getting old. When we are young girls, we want to grow up as soon as possible. We want to be older, but we don’t want to be old.