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Age Discrimination in the Job Market: It Happens

“What is your age?” I have heard this question in many job interviews and from recruiters (not in my current job 😊). It is an illegal question as revealing your age – whatever it is – can lead to discrimination. The European Commission and the Age Discrimination Employment Act (ADEA) in the US protect workers from age discrimination. So, asking for the applicant’s age can lead to a lawsuit, unless the question is to ascertain that the person is over 18. It is clear to me that older workers (over 40, and especially women) are less likely to receive interview offers than younger ones.

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Your Stress and Emotion Detox

An emotional detox is probably the best thing you can do for your health. In the short-term, it relieves stress, improves sleep quality, strengthens your immune system and helps you cope better with life. In the long-term it could prevent life-threatening diseases from developing. What is more, it is simple to do, and you don’t have to give up coffee, chocolate or your evening glass of wine!