Sharon Crost
Immersive Wellness Innovator
“What if you could eat the same calories as you do today and lose weight just by changing the timing? Well, it may be worth a try. One of the concepts behind a timed eating schedule is called “Intermittent Fasting” or IF. Have you ever tried this?”
Our eating culture may teach us that it’s important to eat breakfast, a snack, lunch, another snack and dinner, keeping energy going throughout the day. That may work for some of us, but not all of us. Especially during these times of global epidemic, our normal eating schedules are being impacted. Restaurants or food stores may be closed at the time when we would normally have access, or we may need to adjust our schedules based on work or family schedules. So this may actually be the ideal time to try a new schedule.
Here is a link to an interesting article on intermittent fasting.
The article shares some options for trying intermittent fasting such as skipping breakfast and restricting eating to an 8 hour period. Or eating normally most of the week and then fasting for a 24 hour period from dinner to dinner.
Personally, I have been testing a modified intermittent fasting schedule where 5 days of the week I try to eat within a 6 hour time period. I’ll eat a late lunch or an early dinner or both. I try not to eat 3 hours before bedtime. I give my digestive system a lot of time to rest each day and for me this is a fantastic boost to my system. Note that one day of the week I try to eat regularly, a kind of “feast” compared to the other days. I feel that this provides flexibility and strength for my metabolism.
I have been testing out this method for about a year now. It may not work for others, but for me it’s been an incredibly positive boost to my health. I have more energy, much less hunger and have eliminated massive sugar cravings.
Interested in finding out more? Here is an article on some of the benefits of intermittent fasting: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-health-benefits-of-intermittent-fasting
Are you going to give this a try? If so, let the community know about your testing and your progress! Let’s help each other learn to build wellness!
Sharon Crost.
Body Health. Food and Nutrition. Lifestyle.