Debs McCarthy
Healing Hands and Homeopathy
“Menopause is completely natural! “
In this transformative stage, to move forward is what we demand but whilst hormone production is diminishing, these surges of imbalance can be triggered by what we eat, say, or do.
So how to handle it?
As a Homeopath, I’ve managed to help myself through embarrassing hot flushes, random emotional tantrums, unexpected anxieties, frequent night-time toilet visits, none of which had been a part of my life before and none of which I want to continue!
Homeopaths prescribe according to the Law of Similars; we potentize substances in order to strengthen our systems at the dynamic level; We use the fundamental knowledge of the Principle of Resonance, acquired by understanding the client’s unique individuality, which brings together the vibration of the therapeutic remedy and the vibration of the client.
That is Homeopathy. More of that in part two of this article!
Vast numbers of case histories and successful clinical practice (refer to Homeopathy Research Institute) suggest and prove that Homeopathy is a useful adjunct for women with pre-menopausal, peri-menopausal and post-menopause symptoms.
The myriad of symptoms whatever the stage is as complex and unique as each woman is in her own right.
A considerate and thorough observation of all aspects of a woman’s signs and symptoms leads the ‘heat-seeking homeopathic detective’ towards the matching remedy.
To define more clearly the terminology:
- Pre-menopause: the time up to peri-menopause, when your last ‘normal’ period appeared, which you won’t know until a year has gone by, with an absence of bleeding regularly. Not particularly precise!
- Peri-Menopausal: the changes are-a-coming! Hormonal fluctuations, cycle changes, endocrine changes noticed generally in skin and hair. But, not yet being without bleeding for a year.
- Post-menopause: No bleeding for a year. Endocrine changes still occurring as hormones dwindle.
Homeopathic medicines referred to as Remedies are garnished from the Natural World. Below are a few varied examples, bear in mind there are thousands available, and this comes down to the Individuality of each woman.
PULSATILLA: Pulsatilla Nigricans, Wind Flower (Plant Remedy)
- For someone with a mild and gentle disposition
- Easily moved to tears & Imploring attitude
- Often feels abandoned
- Clings to loved ones
- Bends under pressure from things around her.
- Thoughts go round and round in the head at night, preventing sleep
- Period pain provokes nausea
- Better fresh open Air
- Worse Inside a stuffy room/evenings
“I can’t take anymore, I need to stand alone but I need you…”
LACHESIS MUTA MUTA: Bushmaster, Surucucu Snake (Animal Remedy)
- For someone who never felt well since the first symptom of peri-menopause
- Bleeds Profusely, dark clotted blood, periods repeat too soon, and for too long
- Cramps and an inner twisting sensation
- Faints easily and weakness
- Melancholia
- Palpitations with hot sweats
- Worse night time / upon waking/sleep into a symptom
- Worse on the left-hand side of body
“Everything is draining me”
SEPIA: Sepia Officinalis, from the Ink Sac of the Cuttlefish (Sea Remedy)
- For someone who is worn out and exhausted
- Weepy and weakened
- Dragged down feeling
- Indifferent to loved ones, particularly husbands & partners!
- Hot flushing with a change of color on skin
- Light periods
- Better outside, particularly by the sea
- Better fresh air
“Everything comes in cycles, I want to hide away (from all of you)”
SULPHURIC ACIDUM: Hydrogen Sulphate (Mineral remedy)
- For someone who is hurried and fast
- Weakness and debility
- Flushes of Heat followed by trembling and/or cold sweat
- Worse in upper parts of the body
- Angry because things go too slow
- Nightmares around periods
“It’s quicker if I DO THIS MYSELF!”
FOLLICULINUM NOSODE:: Healthy Ovarian Follicle Tissue (Animal Remedy)
(Caution: Only to be prescribed by a Homeopath)
- For someone who likes to stand alone, control
- Useful when other hormonal treatments e.g HRT or contraceptive pill have ‘clouded a person’
- Have become lost or abused somewhere or at some time in their life
- People rescuer
- Hyperactive & restless
- Weight increases before menses ++
- Craves sugar & sweets
- Heavy
- Dryness
- Hot flushes with ‘flooding’
- Worse night
- Worse when resting
I do not advocate stopping your prescribed medication from a Doctor. I do advocate you seek a professional Homeopath to help you through these years, whatever your choice of health & WellBeing enhancement.
Make menopause a positive experience, that’s what ‘Grace of no Age’ is all about!
Deborah McCarthy.