It is said that when a woman is pregnant her ability to listen to the cues of her body and nervous system are greatly enhanced. This is a special gift given to us at a crucial time when the way that we live our lives has such an incredible influence on the life of another human being.
If you have not mothered a child, perhaps you have mothered a pet, a sibling, or an ailing parent. Fast forward 20 or 30 years, when the children no longer need (or want) your close engagement in their lives, the pet (or many pets) have moved on, and possibly your parents as well. It’s now your time to flourish in a new way. But that gift of inner listening; that gift that we poured into our family members, for many of us, fades from a loud voice to a soft whisper, barely audible. What do we do now? Our body is changing. Our memory may not be the same, and we may not recognize the reflection that we see in the mirror!
But wait – what a special time this is!
I encourage you to pause and take the time to reawaken that inner voice of direction. Set aside the inner critique and embrace this new time in your life to discover passions forgotten or set aside. Get outside more. Walk, hike, or take a swim. Journal and reflect on what it is that you are grateful for. Reflect on what’s working for in your life right now. Reflect on and move toward the people and activities that you love. Now is your time to flourish in a new way. Let’s flourish together.
Until next time,
April Underwood.