Did you know that in addition to our physical bodies, we have energy entities? Maintaining balance in an energy body is an important factor in emitting positive energy, experiencing a sense of well-being, and being in a good mood.
Imbalance in the Energy Body
The energy body is made up of numerous energy centers distributed throughout the responsible body for connection between our parts: psychological, organic, spiritual, and emotional.
What are the Chakras?
Our energy bodies consist of chakras. There are seven primary centers: Root Chakra (Muladhara), Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura), Heart Chakra (Anahata), Throat Chakra (Vishuddha), Third Eye Chakra ( Ajna), Crown chakra (Sahasrara).

These main chakras are aligned along the spinal column in ascending order. Each chakra is related to a different element: earth, water, fire, air, ether, light, and silence. They are each associated with a color, too, which can be seen from the vibrations they give off. Each chakra is also associated with a specific area of the physical body: organs, muscles, bones, and glands.
Energy Over Mind
The different chakras connect with the energy that surrounds us and transmit it to our bodies and vice versa. At birth, the chakras are aligned and balanced, but as we grow and change, imbalances occur in our system. This energy is supposed to circulate in a fluid way in order to provide us with a clear perception of reality. We are guided more by energy than by the mind.
When our chakras are balanced and in harmony, we release positive energy.
The Relevance of the Second Chakra
My focus in this article is on the second chakra, or Sacred Sac (Svadhisthana), and on how to balance it. This energy center is associated not only with our emotional body, but also with physical and mental creativity, sensuality, and movement. It is also associated with the color orange; the water element; and it is related to the sexual organs, kidneys, and urinary system. It is located at the base of the spine at the height of the pubic bone. This is the center of feminine energy, pleasure, and creativity.
When Imbalance Begins
Women have the distinct ability to accumulate energy in their pelvic centers in order to go through pregnancy. Menstruation is responsible for regulating the energy that accumulates each month and cycle and is responsible for purifying and eliminating excess energy. When we enter perimenopause or menopause this activity becomes irregular or ceases. This is when our excess energy is not eliminated in the same way and an imbalance begins.
Mood Shifts
Menopause is a time in a woman’s life when transformation and renewal are experienced. Often this phase is accompanied by the wisdom of life experience. These changes do not only affect our physical body in familiar symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and fatigue – but they also affect our energy body. Women may experience heightened emotions and frequent mood shifts prior to starting menopause.
All of these changes lead to imbalance and can affect a woman’s state of mind and well-being. When this occurs, the Sacral Chakra may be blocked or over-active. People whose Sacral Chakra is in balance are open to the world around them. They are energetic, emotionally stable, connected, compassionate, and enjoy a true joie de vivre.
The Second Chakra is Key
When the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) is blocked or does not work properly, we are not able to process our emotions. An excessive emotional charge is produced and it usually accumulates in the pelvic area. The result can be a blockage of that energy center, leading to mood swings and depression. We might also experience cold or distant behavior towards others. We may become especially needy and dependent; feel overwhelmed and oversensitive, and suffer from sexual intimacy problems. The imbalance of the second chakra is also manifested on a physical level through lower back pain; kidney problems; and many types of gynecological issues stemming from changes in hormonal levels, among others.
Balancing the Sacral Chakra
One healthy and easy way to correct the balance of the Sacral Chakra is through the discipline of a yoga practice. Yoga helps us achieve a stronger connection between the body and the mind. It is an effective way to stimulate excessive energy accumulated in the pelvic area. Postures that open the hips can relieve tension – both physical and emotional. The lizard pose, the goddess pose, the frog pose, and the butterfly pose are some examples of asanas that open the hips.
Balancing postures help balance energy. Both the triangle and the cow/cat position the pelvis to help activate energy. Restorative yoga can help calm and rebuild muscular tension as well as soothe mental tension. This can improve the practitioner’s feeling of rootedness and self-confidence. Restorative postures such as the supported bridge; the child’s pose; and the crocodile pose can help to stabilize, relax, and create a sense of being grounded.
Orange is Good for You
The color orange gives off vibrations that stimulate the energy of the Sacral Chakra. The consumption of certain orange-colored foods such as carrots, melons, pumpkins, pineapples, milk, fish, and soy products, have healing effects.
Sounds, Smells, and Gem Stones
Many of our senses can be tapped to help us heal. Certain fragrances such as sandalwood, orange, myrrh, and pepper help in the balancing of the Sacral Chakra. The repeated use of the VAM sound activates the vibratory frequency of this energy center. The use of healing stones and crystals including amber, citrine, orange quartz, moonstone, and cornelian may also help to improve the health of our Sacral Chakra.
Amparo Hernandez.
Body Health. Menopause. Mental Wellbeing. Yoga Women’s Health.
Photo by Tabitha Turner
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