“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” (Charles Darwin)
These are times of change, life itself is leading us to change. We are living complex times, times that perhaps we never imagined living, situations that we can hardly comprehend or accept.
Despite how complex they are, I think we are fortunate to be here living them. Possibly they are part of our evolution, of our path. We are participants in a great moment of transformation, which asks us to also transform ourselves internally.
These are times of change which have made us think, reflect, and question. We may already have changed our perspective and point of view regarding something. Life has led us to pause and slow down, perhaps to a pace more in step with what is natural.
The stages of pre-menopause and menopause are more changes to include in this repertoire of transitions.There is one more aspect to attend to, an additional ingredient in this recipe called life.
Menopause implies changes and implies maturity to accept those changes. It implies a death of what we no longer are and a new rebirth. Just as humanity is losing many things that will not return in the same way, inside we are also experiencing a process of death and rebirth.
Death gives rise to a new beginning. The death to which I refer now is death to ways of thinking, to beliefs, to established patterns that perhaps have accompanied us much of our life. Now is a good time to review them.
Sometimes we think it is too late to change. How many times have we heard ourselves saying: “I’m too old to change”. This is not true. We are just one step or decision away from making the changes within us.
At any age we can change those beliefs. There is no age limit. The beliefs, the crystallized thoughts, may well have served us because there are always hidden benefits (or not so hidden). But if we really want to make changes, it is possible to make them. It just requires an act of conscience, of self-observation. It requires a voluntary act of letting go of what we no longer want to be in order to be reborn (even if we are over fifty) to the new. If we look carefully, perhaps many of our beliefs are already out of date. Perhaps at some point they were useful to us, but today perhaps not.
And that moment in which we discover it is magica. We realize we are alive and we can move forward in life lighter.
Sometimes, our way of accessing or linking ourselves with changes is from resistance, from rejection, from non-acceptance. What life asks of us is precisely the opposite. Survival is about adaptation to the new, as Darwin said.
This being the case, and taking into account the global transformation we are living through, I invite you to make your thinking more flexible. Adapt in whatever is necessary and change your beliefs. Transform what no longer resonates with the new being.
Mª Fernanda Nuñez.
Aging. Meditation. Menopause. Perimenopause. Women’s Empowerment.