“When your life passes between flasks, fire, books and plants, alchemy evolves from a vocational passion to become a language to express yourself and understand the world. For a long time the paradigm from which I have observed life has been that of the hermit. As its name suggests, every time someone asks me what that paradigm is, I answer that it is a form of life learned from observing the Universe and its laws and reproducing them in the earthly world. That is magic, learning, understanding, and reproducing the laws of Nature.”
It is from this paradigm that I understand one of the forces that vibrates the most in my being: feminine energy. She is present in all the atoms of my body and every day it becomes more evident; I cannot ignore her, I cannot escape any more from her, nor turn my gaze when with sweetness, and sometimes with overwhelming force, she claims her power over me. I would like to take this space to explain what this is about, as an extremely powerful tool to embark on the menopausal journey as a pleasant and joyful journey.
So here we go: from alchemy, everything that exists comes from the One, which in order to manifest itself is divided into two: the feminine and the masculine. The feminine is Mercurius and the masculine is Sulphur. The feminine dissolves, the masculine coagulates. That is the alchemical maxim that describes the universal rhythm Solve et Coagula. The starting point of the emergence of matter is the division into two states and two actions at the same time, two nouns and two verbs at the same time, two (2) opposing and complementary ones (1). One completely different from the other, one completely dependent on the other, one completely responsible for the other. The masculine and the feminine.
The lemniscate, the symbol that represents infinity and is similar to the number eight, shows this constant movement updated in the course of our life, which is full of events that take place, find their zenith and die, as is the case of cessation of menstrual flow. The becoming of the incarnated Soul is an endless chain of coagulations and dissolutions, since we must understand that, at different levels, for the new to be born, the old must die.
Bringing feminine energy to life, especially as a Mercurius woman, is the best tool to find peace and especially the ability to dissolve, release, liberate or purify. Female energy is crazy, untimely and chaotic, unexpected and sweet, soft and ethereal. If we observe her savouring the sacred nectar of the vaginal fluids of the cosmos on the palate of consciousness, we will achieve the art of dissolving what we were in the first half of life to start a new stage full of promise and gratitude.
The strength of the feminine (the primordial mercury), allows us to laugh out loud, put on a crazy play that is disconnected from the events of our lives, find the deepest and most transforming meaning to the most everyday of tasks, or become unhinged, thereby annihilating ourselves. All this comes from the accepting force, empty of judgments and loving that the Mercurius gives us, and purifies everything.
Integrating feminine energy and its art in this stage of life will allow us to find freedom and joy when we find ourselves facing the new coagulation. Dying to the one, I was to be born to the one that I am now called to be.
Diana Torija.
Art. Alchemy. Lifestyle. Menopause. Spiritual.